Exploring the Capabilities of Chat GPT: My Adventures in Playing with an AI Language Model

Exploring the Capabilities of Chat GPT: My Adventures in Playing with an AI Language Model
Photo by BoliviaInteligente / Unsplash

I thought I'd take break from content generation and instead explore how a discussion with ChatGPT works and if my knowledge can compete with a super computer.

It's a late Thursday evening, I'm equipped with my cuppa and now, I'm ready to finally have some fun with ChatGPT.

Is FF7 your favourite FF?

Now I started off with a hot question for all JRPG fans. Here, ChatGPT wouldn't budge and remained diplomatic till the end. Instead of providing a personal preference, ChatGPT provided public opinion to settle the question.

Alexander 0 - ChatGPT 1

DBZ multiverse theory

Now, timetravel in general can get confusing very easily. In DBZ, we have the characters Cell and Trunks who travel between timelines in order to achieve their goals. The timelines in the show are super confusing the deeper you go. Let's see what ChatGPT thinks of their timeline origins.

Boom! My DBZ knowledge is finally put to good use.

Alexander 1 - ChatGPT 1


I wish I didn't ask that, things just got so much more confusing.

Stegosaurus love

On behalf of all the dinosaur fans out there, I just had to check this one out.

Not a whole lot of detail, but technically still answered. Let's move on ...

Alexander 1 - ChatGPT 2

Create a game

Now this one I was really excited for, as I wanted to run try out the generated code for a game created by ChatGPT. Unfortunately, the generated code kept stopping mid-way through. Below is a reques to create Pong in JS:

After attempting and facing repeated failures in Pong and Snake, I had to change tact.

It turns out 'basic game' is interpreted as 'Guess the Number'.

Alexander 1 - ChatGPT 3

Alright I have to give myself a chance to claw a point back. I'm going to dive deep in my memory banks and see if ChatGPT can outsmart me.

Random FF7 stat

Yes back to Final Fantasy, probably my most played series in my early years. I remember a specific boss from FF7 has 60,000 HP. Let's see what ChatGPT thinks.

And there it is. My video game knowledge (of a particular series & game) knows no bounds.

Alexander 2 - ChatGPT 3


This is probably the most time I've spent with ChatGPT and it's been pretty exciting going back & forth with an AI (sorry Ask Jeeves).

I've recieved suggestions which are narrowed down to a specific point, helping me progress with my query and (mostly) get the information I need. Though I can also see where ChatGPT can't quite workaround a problem it encounters, instead rehashing the same output until I change up my approach, example being the incomplete code for a game.

This was At the end of the day, both AI (Artificial Intelligence) and AI (Alexander Intelligence) have their uses in todays world.

Or so I thought ...
