Having a reliable and efficient tech stack is crucial to developing any feature, project or even POC. Throughout my many adventures and experiences, I've formed the below tech stack that I personally use as my go-to for any engineering tasks, including a summary of what I like about each. Enjoy!
I value fast and smart tools. Warp is precisely that, providing auto-complete, quick execution times and git integration. It even provides an AI bot to help troubleshoot command errors. Helpful!
Now I've wanted to try Atom or the IntelliJ offerings for a while but ... VSCode just handles everything. To be honest, I'm quite a simple user here: write code, create files, generate markdown previews. That's all I do. And VSCode gives me what I need.
So many to choose from. Too many, in fact. I can see the business value and quick-ROI in using low-code or no-code solutions however, I am all for hands-on coding and creativity. Using Playwright (or any of it's contempories) is fine with me, providing all the necessary equipment to develop an e2e UI test suite.
Maestro on the other hand, has completely won me over. I put with Appium for so long, potentially too long in fact, trying to convince colleagues that it was the be-all-end-all for mobile automation. Instead, Maestro provides a painless experience, using yaml to generate tests and massively reduces the consistently frustrating and fragile setup required by Appium. Check out my review of Maestro here.
GitHub, GitLab, Perforce (😬), Bitbucket. There's definitely reliable and feature-filled options out there. Using GitHub however is so consistently ... nice. I rarely run into issues, be it PRs, repo rules, integrations, actions. It all works so nicely.
For hosting htmls or monitoring mobile app crashes, Firebase does the job. Although it can appear to have too many features at times, I rarely go beyond my use-cases of hosting, analytics, monitoring and storage. For these scenarios Firebase, firebase sdk and firebase cli perform amazingly well.
Now that just about covers it. I'm always on the lookout for new and updated tools, so feel free to ping me about something exciting I could try out myself.